March 9-12,2009:The 86th All India Farmer’s fair and Agro-Industrial exhibition, popularly called The Kissan Mela at the Gandhi Lawns of Govind Ballabh pant University of Agriculture and Technology was inaugerated by The Vice Chancellor, Dr B.S. Bisht on October 9, 2009. Paramparaa, the stall which Spic Macay, Pantnagar Chapter organizes each year in this mega event with the motive of demonstrating and selling authentic and ethnic Indian goods celebrated its four years of success, this kissan mela. Paramparaa 09-10 brought ingenuities from the farthest corners of the Indian subcontinent. With its central location in The historic Gandhi park and grand structure and decoration, Paramparaa 09-10 covered a wide area drawing maximum attention of the crowd.
Parampara-08-09- The varied stalls: Paramparaa 09-10 came up with a wide spectrum of stalls like those of Cane work, Brass work, handlooms, shalls, music along with food stalls from different regions of India. Our Lassi stall as well as the music stall comprising a rare collection of classical and devotional Indian music cassettes and cds were once again the main attractions of The National kissan Mela. Other stalls included Pashmina shalls and woolen garments from Kashmir, Jaipuri handlooms, Bhadohi carpets, traditional and designer suits, mehandi stall, pan and many more. The stalls were managed by the invited shopkeepers, while some by the Spic Macay executive body members themselves.
Paramparaa 09-10 also displayed an art exhibition of all kinds of art works submitted by university students. The exhibition included paintings, sketches, clay models, modern art etc and was highly appreciated by all visitors.
The turnover: The mass inflow in the Kisan Mela per day is 50,000 approx. (according to the census taken by the university). With an astonishing 90 percent turn-over of the entire crowd per day, Parampara 09-10 was highly appreciated by the masses which included the university students, the faculty members and their families as well as the visitors to the fair from outside like farmers, dealers and businessmen, industrialists etc. The stall was once again awarded ‘special’ in the closure ceremony of the fair.
Moments of celebration and togetherness: For us, the executive body members of Spic Macay, Paramparaa every year comes with a package of wonderful moments of fun, frolic and togetherness. this four day festival enhances the spirit of dedication towards the noble cause we work for.
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